Michael J. Lopez
2 min readSep 11, 2019


Excited would fall short of how I feel about this movie. Specially after the latest trailer of this amazing story about the greatest villain in comic history. And if you still don’t know who I’m talking about then you my friend are no DC fan. Oh; now you’re starting to get it huh?

Now, if you still haven’t seen the final trailer before it hits in theaters Oct 04, 2019, I implore you to go to this site called YouTube and enter…well, if i tell you now, you’ll probably never come back to this blog. No seriously; this trailer is that good. To top it off, the actor playing the Joker…Well, never mind surprising you. But anyhow, this impersonator is no Heath Ledger, but the way Joaquin Phoenix portrays this character is by far the best I’ve seen since the Dark Knight; and that’s saying a lot (sorry Mr.Leto).

You see the first trailer that came out months ago was phenomenal. It showcased a mentally ill individual who wanted to pursue this career but instead got ridiculed and well, you know the rest; became the infamous prince of Gotham. But in this newest trailer you see a lot more of the guy. Remember Harley Quinn and Joker in Suicide Squad? There’s a scene in the movie where there’s an intermission within the ‘counseling room’ and the clown expresses his feelings. Well, thats what happens in this trailer.

A scene in which the Joker and the therapist engage in conversation where Arthur, no not the cartoon character people, the name of the Joker, tells her “All I have are negative thoughts”. Yeah, depressing isn’t it? But before I spoil anymore of the movie, I encourage you all to view this trailer and slowly await the arrival of the new and upcoming movie of none other than the Joker. I know; short article right? Why so serious?

